I Symposium on Lusophone Cultures of California


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University of California, Davis

Department of Spanish and Portuguese

I Symposium on Lusophone Cultures of California


VI Workshop for training and improvement of Portuguese teachers of the West Coast

November 1st and 2nd, 2019


The Portuguese language, spoken by more than 300,000 people in California, brings us together for this symposium to discuss educational, linguistic, literary and community practices that reaffirm the polycentric expansion of the Lusophone world in the state. Portuguese is today a critical language in the United States, also documented as a minority language by the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages of the United States (NCOLCTL). This event aims to contribute to Lusophone diasporic communities all over California in the effort to create an ethnolinguistic connection with their history.

Areas of interest

Topics might include, but are not limited to:

  • Community leadership
  • Teaching practices and community-based projects
  • The role of community engagement
  • Collaboration with diaspora communities
  • Portuguese for heritage learners, Spanish speakers, and additional language learners
  • Proficiency examinations
  • Community needs
  • Community organization
  • Lusophone diaspora literature
  • Portuguese in contact with other languages
  • Art, culture and other manifestations in the Portuguese language

Call for proposals

We invite the submission of abstracts for 30-minute talks on the broad topic of Lusophone diaspora in California.

Abstracts should be anonymous and have a maximum of 300 hundred words. References must be included on a separate page. All submissions should be submitted in PDF format through Easy Chair:


Feel free to contact the organizing committee, if you are unsure of whether your topic is compatible with the goals of the symposium: lusophoneculturesca@gmail.com


Luis Gonçalves, Princeton University
President of the American Organization of Teachers of Portuguese
Vice-president of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages

Cláudia Martins
Linguistics Center
University NOVA of Lisboa


André Correa de Sá, Assistant Professor in Portuguese and Luso-African Literatures and Cultures
University of California, Santa Barbara

Cássia Abreu, Lecturer in Portuguese/Outreach Coordinator
San Diego State University
LARC Startalk Teacher Training and Language Camps 

Deolinda Adão, Assistant Director of the Center for Portuguese Studies
University of California, Berkeley

Diniz Borges, Director of the Portuguese Beyond Borders Institute
California State University, Fresno

Duarte Pinheiro, Coordinator
Instituto Camões/CEPE-EUA

José Luís da Silva, Director
Luso-American Education Foundation

Lyris Wiedemann, Senior Lecturer
Stanford University

Patrícia Lino, Assistant Professor in Luso-Brazilian Studies
University of California, Los Angeles

Renato Alvim, Assistant Professor of Portuguese
California State University, Stanislaus

Ricardo Vasconcelos, Associate Professor of Portuguese
San Diego State University


Eugênia Fernandes, Lecturer in Portuguese/Coordinator of the Celpe-Bras Examination
University of California, Davis

Tatiana Dutra e Mello, Adjuct Professor/Director
University of San Francisco Projeto Contadores de Estórias

Valeria Sasser, Communication Coordinator/Spokesperson
Council of Brazilian Citizen Abroad
Brazilian Citizen Council of San Francisco


Leopoldo Bernucci, Distinguished Professor of Spanish, The Russell F. and Jean H. Fiddyment Chair in Latin American Studies
University of California, Davis

Robert Newcomb, Associate Professor of Luso-Brazilian Studies/Undergraduate Portuguese Adviser
University of California, Davis

John Slater, Chair of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Associate Professor of Spanish
University of California, Davis


Leonardo Silva, Certified Evaluator of the Celpe-Bras Exam/Associate instructor – Department of Spanish and Portuguese
University of California, Davis

Victor Cervantes, Associate instructor – Department of Spanish and Portuguese
University of California, Davis

Shelley Dykstra, Provost Fellow – Department of Spanish and Portuguese
University of California, Davis


Sproul Hall 912 & 104
Olson Hall 53A &18

Many thanks to our sponsors:

Department of Spanish and Portuguese, UC Davis

Instituto Camões, Coordenação de Ensino de Português no Estrangeiro (CEPE – EUA)

Luso American Development Foundation

UC Davis Language Center

American Organization of Teachers of Portuguese

Council of Brazilian Citizen Abroad

Projeto Contadores de Estórias


All questions about submissions should be emailed to lusophoneculturesca@gmail.com