

Our undergraduate program offers a great variety of opportunities for our students, whether Spanish is their major or minor. In addition to a wide selection of courses, we offer opportunities to study abroad.

Lower Division Courses (1-99)

  • First-Year Spanish (SPA 1, 2, 3)
    The Spanish Program offers courses for beginners. Our web page has information about our instructors, exams and courses, including syllabi and course descriptions.
  • Second-Year Spanish (SPA 21, 22, 23, 24)
    The intermediate courses are based on and continue with what a student learned in the first year, and prepares them for more advanced classes in language, literature and culture.
  • Heritage Spanish Program (SPA 31, 32, 33)
    This three-quarter series that fulfills GE credit is uniquely designed for students who grew up with Spanish at home and are comfortable speaking it, but who may have limited or no experience studying it in a classroom setting. Students of all majors are invited and will benefit from the Heritage Spanish Program (HSP), which focuses on oral expression and writing skills in a variety of genres, from the personal to the academic, to foster students’ ability to be effective communicators. By the end of the program, it is expected that students will have increased skills and confidence in the language and strengthened their identity as bilinguals, being able to pursue Spanish upper-division courses and apply this language knowledge in their professional endeavors, inside or outside the United States. 

Upper Division Courses (100-199)

  • In upper division Spanish courses students explore a wide variety of topics to develop a wide comprehension of the language, literature and Hispanic cultures. With the help of their advisor, students may design their major to satisfy their requirements and may in many cases combine their major in Spanish with another in Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies or in Social Sciences. View descriptions of each course here.

Graduate Courses (200-299)

Portuguese Courses

  • First Year Portuguese (POR 1, 2, 3): The first year consists of courses for beginners in Portuguese.
  • Second Year Portuguese (POR 21, 22, 23): The intermediate courses are based on and continue with what a student learned in the first year, and prepares them for more advanced classes in language, literature and culture.
