Fall 2024 Courses

Fall Quarter 2024

Spanish Undergraduate Courses

Lower Division

SPA 001 Elementary Spanish
SPA 001V Elementary Spanish
SPA 001Y Elementary Spanish

SPA 002 Elementary Spanish
SPA 002V Elementary Spanish
SPA 002Y Elementary Spanish

SPA 003 Elementary Spanish
SPA 003V Elementary Spanish
SPA 003Y Elementary Spanish

SPA 021 Intermediate Spanish I
SPA 021Y Intermediate Spanish I

SPA 022 Intermediate Spanish

SPA 023 Spanish Composition I

SPA 024 Spanish Composition II

SPA 031 Spanish for Native Speakers I

SPA 033 Spanish for Native Speakers III

Upper Division

SPA 100 Principles of Hispanic Literature & Criticism
Section 1 - TBD
Section 2 - Charles Oriel 

SPA 111N - The Structure of Spanish: Sounds and Words
Ana Ortega Pérez
Este curso proporcionará una introducción a la lingüística contemporánea y al sistema fónico del español moderno. Daremos una visión general de la teoría lingüística, la cual enfatiza los aspectos creativo, biológico y cognitivo del lenguaje humano, frente a la comunicación no lingüística de los animales no humanos. Exploraremos cómo se producen los sonidos lingüísticos en tiempo real cuando hablamos y cómo son percibidos por los oyentes que nos escuchan. Apoyándonos en el marco descriptivo de la fonología estructural, veremos cómo los sonidos están organizados en un sistema que forma parte de la competencia lingüística de lxs hispanohablantes. El curso también introduce la fonología generativa, un modelo teórico que conceptualiza la competencia fonológica como si fuera una computadora artificial. Tras analizar las consonantes mediante un lenguaje binario de unos y ceros, podremos explicar y entender más a fondo el sistema fonológico del español al escribir una parte de su código computacional. A lo largo del curso haremos comparaciones teóricas y prácticas con el inglés y otros idiomas, incluso el portugués. Este curso se impartirá enteramente en español.
Pre-requisitos: SPA 24 or 33; no es obligatorio pero se recomienda LIN 1.

SPA 114N Contrastive Analysis of English & Spanish
Agustina Carando

SPA 130 Survey of Spanish Literature to 1700
Daniela Gutierrez-Flores

SPA 133N Golden Age Literature of Spain
Charles Oriel 

SPA 142 Special Topics in Spanish Cultural & Literary Studies
Diana Aramburu 

SPA 157 Great Works of Latin American Literature/Culture
Robert Newcomb

SPA 159 Special Topics in Latin American Literature & Culture: After Hurricane María: From Chaos to Rebellion and Resistance in Puerto Rican Fiction
Diana Aramburu 

After Hurricane María laid bare Puerto Rico’s untenable colonial status as an unincorporated island-territory under U.S. control and emphasized an inefficient and negligent Puerto Rican government in the face of the most devastating natural disaster in the archipelago’s history, it became up to the Puerto Rican community with the help of the diaspora to organize and ensure their own survival.

This course will examine contemporary Puerto Rican literary, visual, and musical responses to the aftermath of Hurricane María and the protests of the Verano del 19 as well as the feminicide and gender violence epidemic and the forced displacement of Puerto Ricans from Puerto Rico. Some of the questions that we will aim to answer are: what role does fiction play in depicting chaos and crisis as well as resistance and rebellion? How can fiction challenge heteropatriarchal colonial systems while also activating communities to (re)envision and instill change? Who is represented in contemporary Puerto Rican fiction, and why? Can literary, visual, and musical mediums articulate a new vision for Puerto Rico, and if so, what is it?

a flyer for the SPA 159, with a colorful image of a crowd waving Puerto Rican Flags

SPA 170 Introduction to Latin American Culture

SPA 174 Chicano Culture
Robert Irwin

SPA 175 Topics in Latin American Culture
Robert Irwin

SPA 178A Spanish for the Professions
Agustina Carando

Portuguese Undergraduate Courses

POR 001 Elementary Portuguese

POR 001 is taught in person. Class time is used to build social interactions through the Portuguese language. Students must complete homework assignments, readings, and parts of the projects outside the class. POR 001 is the first course of the Elementary Portuguese series, an introduction to the Portuguese language focusing on developing all language skills in a cultural context with a particular emphasis on communication. Unit topics will be presented, contemplating contemporary issues of Lusophone communities with underlying topics such as official orthography and language varieties. Upon completing this course, students can communicate in oral and written Portuguese at the beginner level. A virtual collaboration with Portuguese speakers from Amazonia, Brazil, will occur weekly. Plural: Português Pluricêntrico, the textbook adopted in this course, is an Open Educational Resource available through UC eScholarship: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/9zs4s2p8#

POR 021 Intermediate Portuguese

POR 021 is an in-person course. Class time is used to build social interactions through the Portuguese language. Outside the class, students must complete homework assignments, readings, and parts of the projects. POR 021 is a continuation of POR 3 or POR 31, consisting of developing and improving all language skills in Portuguese with an emphasis on interaction and problem-solving in the Lusophone world. Students will be led to the use of language by reading literary and authentic genres based on contemporary discussions to reach an intermediate-mid proficiency in the target language. Unit topics will be presented, contemplating contemporary issues of Lusophone communities with underlying topics such as official orthography and language varieties. Weekly, students have virtual exchanges with peers in Amazonia, Brazil. Upon completing this course, students will be able to communicate in oral and written Portuguese at the intermediate-mid level, take proficiency examinations, and enroll in POR 22. Prerequisites: POR 3 or POR 31 Plural: Português Pluricêntrico, the textbook adopted in this course, is an Open Educational Resource available through UC eScholarship: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/9zs4s2p8#

POR 199 Special Study for Advanced Undergraduates

Spanish Graduate Courses

SPA 201 Literary Theory I- Robert Irwin
Mondays, 4:10-7:00pm Olson 117

El pensamiento mexicano y mexicano-americano
Este seminario presenta una selección de obras de algunxs de lxs pensadorxs mexicanxs y mexicanxamericanxs más prominentes de las últimas 50 año, junto con algunas de intelectuales e investigadorxs más jóvenes. Sus escritos abarcan un rango amplio de temas, tales como: el género y la sexualidad, las fronteras y flujos migratorios, el narcotráfico, la agricultura y la comida, la racialización y criminalización, la cultura nacional, y la clase social. Sus textos suelen incorporar elementos tanto teóricos como activistas. Entre las figuras de la lista de lecturas cuentan: Carlos Monsiváis, Marta Lamas, Gloria Anzaldúa, José Manuel Valenzuela Arce, Oswaldo Zavala, Kelly Lytle Hernández, Sayak Valencia, Amarela Varela, y Gabriela Méndez Cota.

SPA 217 Sociolinguistics-Agustina Carando:
Spanish of the US (approved substitute for SPA 206)
Tuesdays, 4:10-7:00pm 

Drawing from research in language contact, bilingualism, sociolinguistics and education, this course aims at familiarizing students with the features of Spanish spoken in the U.S. context, promoting an understanding of the diverse population of heritage speakers and their language practices, with an emphasis on structural variation. Topics include translanguaging and code-switching, the notion of Spanglish, Spanish in contact with English, critical perspectives, and pedagogical implications.  

SPA 272 Latin American Literature: Narrative-Charlie Hankin
Aurality and Literacy: Key Words for Sound in Latin America
Wednesdays 4:10-7:00pm Olson 109

Según Antonio Cornejo Polar, la escritura en América Latina ha funcionado históricamente “no tanto como un sistema de comunicación sino dentro del horizonte del orden y la autoridad, casi como si su único significado posible fuera el poder”. En este seminario, exploramos prácticas y metodologías que desafían la autoridad de la letra desde el campo de los estudios del sonido. Nuestra aproximación interdisciplinaria pondrá en diálogo novelas, memorias, cuentos, poemas y canciones con textos críticos de los estudios sonoros, la poética, la musicología, el feminismo negro, la etnografía y otros campos. Se abordarán problemáticas como, por ejemplo, texto y performance, la musicalización de la literatura, las implicaciones éticas de la escucha, la relación entre la auralidad y la alteridad, las imbricaciones raciales del ritmo. El objetivo será desarrollar nuevas metodologías de lectura y análisis cultural que podrán aplicarse a otros contextos y utilizarse en los proyectos de investigación de lxs estudiantes. Autores y críticos examinados: Rubén Blades, Nicolás Guillén, Rita Indiana, Clarice Lispector, Juan Manzano, Jairo Moreno, Ren Ellis Neyra, Ana María Ochoa, Ángel Rama, entre otros.


SPA 390 The Teaching of Spanish in College