Fall 2023 Courses
- For day, time, room, and TA information, see our Spanish PDF Schedule, Portuguese PDF Schedule, or the class search tool https://registrar-apps.ucdavis.edu/courses/search/index.cfm.
- For all courses not described below, please refer to the General Catalog course descriptions
Spanish Undergraduate Courses
Lower Division
SPA 001 Elementary Spanish
SPA 001Y Elementary Spanish
SPA 002 Elementary Spanish
SPA 002V Elementary Spanish
SPA 002Y Elementary Spanish
SPA 003 Elementary Spanish
SPA 003V Elementary Spanish
SPA 003Y Elementary Spanish
SPA 021 Intermediate Spanish I
SPA 022 Intermediate Spanish
SPA 023 Spanish Composition I
SPA 024 Spanish Composition II
SPA 031 Spanish for Native Speakers I
SPA 033 Spanish for Native Speakers III
Upper Division
SPA 100 Principles of Hispanic Literature & Criticism
Section 1 - Cristina Martinez-Carazo
Section 2 - Charles Oriel
(See catalog for description)
SPA 110 Advanced Spanish Composition
Charles Oriel
(See catalog for description)
SPA 111N The Structure of Spanish: Sounds & Words
(See catalog for description)
SPA 116S Applied Spanish Linguistics
Cecilia Colombi
(See catalog for description)
SPA 117 Teaching Spanish as a Native Tongue in the U.S.: Praxis & Theory
Agustina Carando
(See catalog for description)
SPA 118 Topics in Spanish Linguistics
(See catalog for description)
SPA 130 Survey of Spanish Literature to 1700
Daniela Gutierrez-Flores
(See catalog for description)
SPA 142 Special Topics in Spanish Cultural & Literary Studies
Diana Aramburu
(See catalog for description)
SPA 159 Special Topics in Latin American Literature & Culture
Section 1 - Diana Aramburu
Section 2 - Daniela Gutierrez-Flores
Brujas y hechiceras La figura de la bruja es uno de los arquetipos femeninos que mayor fascinación ha despertado entre las culturas ibéricas y latinoamericanas. Desde una perspectiva de género, exploraremos cómo las nociones de brujería y hechicería han constituido mecanismos de control y represión sobre el conocimiento, la sexualidad y el cuerpo femeninos. Empezaremos estudiando textos españoles de los siglos XVI y XVII, como tratados de demonología y manuales para cazar brujas. Después daremos un salto cruzando el Atlántico para entender cómo durante la colonización de las Américas las ideas sobre magia y brujería que dominaban el pensamiento europeo influyeron en el entendimiento de las cosmovisiones indígenas. Veremos cómo las mujeres indígenas y de origen africano utilizaron estas prácticas para obtener distintos grados de poder y movilidad en la sociedad colonial. Finalmente, daremos un salto hacia el presente para examinar la pervivencia de estos arquetipos en el cine, la música y la literatura actuales, analizando cómo se han recuperado para hacer comentarios políticos en torno a las relaciones de género en la sociedad contemporánea.
SPA 170 Introduction to Latin American Culture
(See catalog for description)
SPA 174 Chicano Culture - criminalizaciones, demonizaciones, patologizaciones: movilizaciones
Robert Irwin

Durante la campaña presidencial de 2016 el candidato triunfador habló de lxs inmigrantes mexicanxs en términos despectivos, implicando que un gran número de ellxs eran criminales (“bad hombres”, “nasty women”), una retórica que se repitió en 2018 sobre los centroamericanos con la llegada de unas caravanas de migrantes centroamericanas a la frontera. La demonización de lxs inmigrantes tras una retórica de criminalidad o patología no es nueva. Sin embargo, aunque sin duda hace mucho daño, a veces provoca reacciones de movilización comunitaria, las que no sólo sirven como forma de autodefensa, sino que también pueden evocar simpatías y solidaridades más generalizadas. Este curso invita el análisis de eventos históricos y figuras prominentes de las culturas chicanas y latinas de Estados Unidos con el fin de entender las trayectorias de imágenes negativas de estas culturas y también las apropiaciones y resignificaciones de estas imágenes. Se realizarán entonces lecturas críticas de hitos históricos imporantes para la historia chicana: por ejemplo, los disturbios del zoot suit, el caso legal “Méndez v. Westminster” de la Corte Suprema de EEUU, el movimiento chicano, y la guerra contra el narco; tales figuras como el general revolucionario Pancho Villa, la “Mexican Spitfire” del Hollywood clásico, el gran tenista Pancho González, el bracero y artista “visionario” Martín Ramírez, los activistas chicanos conocidos como los Siete de la Raza, la pionera del punk Alice Bag, lx artista transgénero Vaginal Creme Davis, y los músicos norteños Chalino Sánchez y Peso Pluma, entre otrxs; y conceptos críticos como la “estética rasquache” (Tomás Ibarra Frausto), las “máscaras mexicanas” (Octavio Paz), “La conciencia de la nueva mestiza” (Gloria Anzaldúa), y el “capitalismo gore” (Sayak Valencia).
Portuguese Undergraduate Courses
POR 001 Elementary Portuguese
Eugenia Magnolia Da Silva Fernandes
POR 001 is taught in person. Class time is used to build social interactions through the Portuguese language. Students must complete homework assignments, readings, and parts of the projects outside the class. POR 001 is the first course of the Elementary Portuguese series, an introduction to the Portuguese language focusing on developing all language skills in a cultural context with a particular emphasis on communication. Unit topics will be presented, contemplating contemporary issues of Lusophone communities with underlying topics such as official orthography and language varieties. Upon completing this course, students can communicate in oral and written Portuguese at the beginner level. A virtual collaboration with Portuguese speakers from Amazonia, Brazil, will occur weekly. Plural: Português Pluricêntrico, the textbook adopted in this course, is an Open Educational Resource available through UC eScholarship: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/9zs4s2p8#
POR 021 Intermediate Portuguese
Eugenia Magnolia Da Silva Fernandes
POR 021 is an in-person course. Class time is used to build social interactions through the Portuguese language. Outside the class, students must complete homework assignments, readings, and parts of the projects. POR 021 is a continuation of POR 3 or POR 31, consisting of developing and improving all language skills in Portuguese with an emphasis on interaction and problem-solving in the Lusophone world. Students will be led to the use of language by reading literary and authentic genres based on contemporary discussions to reach an intermediate-mid proficiency in the target language. Unit topics will be presented, contemplating contemporary issues of Lusophone communities with underlying topics such as official orthography and language varieties. Weekly, students have virtual exchanges with peers in Amazonia, Brazil. Upon completing this course, students will be able to communicate in oral and written Portuguese at the intermediate-mid level, take proficiency examinations, and enroll in POR 22. Prerequisites: POR 3 or POR 31 Plural: Português Pluricêntrico, the textbook adopted in this course, is an Open Educational Resource available through UC eScholarship: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/9zs4s2p8#
POR 100 Principles of Luso-Brazilian Literature & Criticism
Robert Newcomb
Spanish Graduate Courses
SPA 230 -Fronteras y Migraciones- Robert Irwin
Thursdays- 4:10-7:00, Olson 144
Este seminario ofrece una variedad de aproximaciones contemporáneas a los flujos actuales de la migración y los complejos industriales fronterizos en el contexto de las Américas. Nuestros diálogos surgirán a partir de la lectura de obras literarias y testimoniales (de tales autores como Valeria Luiselli, Reyna Grande, Javier Zamora, Karla Cornejo y Douglas Oviedo, entre otrxs) en yuxtaposición con proyectos críticos y teóricos de pensadorxs establecidxs (Sayak Valencia, José Manuel Valenzuela Arce, Nicholas De Genova, Alberto Moreiras), y también otrxs más jóvenes (Amarela Varela, Soledad Álvarez, Ernesto Zarco, Juan Antonio Del Monte, Diana Carolina Peláez), introduciendo temas de género, sexualidad, autonomía, infrapolítica, afecto, entre otros. Asimismo, se incorporará una introducción al método innovador del proyecto Humanizando la Deportación, y las narrativas digitales (cortometrajes testimoniales) que éste produce desde 2017 en colaboración con migrantes vulnerables.
SPA 274 -Writing Out of Place: Dislocation and Transnational Lusophone Literature-Robert Newcomb
Tuesdays-4:10-7:00, Hart 1106
This seminar will examine the relationship between various forms of dislocation (exile, forced displacement, migration, travel, alienation from one’s country) and the transnational character of Lusophone literature as a field that emerges from Portuguese colonialism and from post-colonial relations within the former Portuguese empire. The seminar has the secondary goal of offering graduate students a thematic introduction to major Lusophone writers.
Writers to be analyzed are from Brazil, Portugal, Galicia, São Tomé and Príncipe, and Angola. Many do not fall neatly into a single literary “nationality.” Specific names include: Sérgio Buarque de Holanda; Eduardo Lourenço; the Galician-Portuguese cantiga poets; Luís de Camões; Gonçalves Crespo; Caetano da Costa Alegre; João do Rio; Francisco José Tenreiro; Olinda Beja; Conceição Lima; Yara Monteiro.
Themes to be explored include: exile and absence in Buarque and Lourenço; the roots of desterro in medieval Galician-Portuguese poetry; Camões and the figure of the “exiled Camões”; Afro-diasporic poetics in the fin-de-siècle Lusophone world; João do Rio, Portugal, and Luso-Brazilian “Atlanticism”; Tenreiro, Luso-tropicalism, and late-colonial São Tomé and Príncipe; “Afro-insularity” in contemporary Santomean poetry; the “impossible return” and contemporary Portuguese-African relations.
Primary readings will be in Portuguese. Secondary sources will be in Portuguese and English. Students may consult translations of Portuguese-language texts when available. Students may elect to contribute to seminar discussions in either Portuguese or Spanish, and give their oral presentation and write their final paper in either language. Portuguese fluency is not required or expected for participation.
SPA 215 Heritage Language Pedagogy-Agustina Carando
Wednesdays, 4:10-7:00 in Olson 109
This course will cover the theoretical foundations and application of heritage language pedagogy. Drawing from research in language contact, second language acquisition, composition studies and education, the course aims at familiarizing students with the challenges facing speakers of minority languages (in this case, Spanish) in the US context, destigmatizing their oral and written linguistic practices, and evaluating various pedagogical approaches to address their bilingual development.