Program Learning Outcomes


By the time they graduate, Spanish majors should be able to:

Language Use

1. Demonstrate knowledge of the Spanish-speaking world’s linguistic diversity (including historical, regional, or social variations) through the comprehension of written and spoken Spanish in a variety of situations and communicative modes
2. Demonstrate effective use of Spanish through speaking and writing on a variety of topics in a variety of settings, types of discourse, and registers.

a. Written Expression: Communicate effectively in a variety of written registers and/or text types by using appropriate orthography, sentence structure, paragraphing, vocabulary, grammatical structures, and knowledge of text type/cultural expectations.
b. Oral Expression: Communicate effectively in a variety of spoken registers and contexts by using knowledge of cultural expectations; accurate pronunciation; sufficient fluency; and appropriate vocabulary, structures, and forms of address.


3. Analyze authentic Spanish language data and use the results to describe and make/support arguments about language.

a. Ask appropriate questions about linguistic performances in Spanish.
b. Compile, compare, and draw inferences from authentic Spanish language data (e.g., discern patterns and logically decipher Spanish forms, structures, and functions).
c. Use appropriate linguistic terminology to describe and explain language competencies and performances.
d. Present Spanish linguistic data in a format that aligns with disciplinary expectations.

Literary/Cultural Studies

4. Demonstrate cultural awareness by defining, describing, and analyzing a diversity of cultural products and manifestations produced in the Spanish speaking world (Latin America, Spain, the United States, and other countries in which there is a cultural production in Spanish).

a. Form and style: Perform a formal analysis focused on poetic forms, genres, rhetoric, voice, visual design, mise en scène, cinematography, use of voiceover to accurately describe and/or interpret the work being studied.
b. Historical/cultural context: Use knowledge of historical context to define, explain, and/or situate the work in terms of both its creation as well as its critical and/or popular reception.
c. Literary/cultural history: Explain the development of literary, film or other cultural forms and movements and their relation to the work.
d. Sociocultural concepts: Interpret the work in relation to relevant concepts such as gender, human rights, the environment, race, religion, democracy, or migration.
e. Cite specific examples to support an argument about the work.