Travel Awards and other financial aid

For information on other financial aid available to graduate students, including Grants, Loans, & Work Study, please visit the Graduate Financial Aid Office website.

U.S. citizens and permanent residents, make sure to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in order to be considered for financial aid.

Travel Awards

Spanish graduate students may request funds for travel to professional conferences to deliver a scholarly paper. To request funds from the graduate program, students should submit a letter of request to the staff graduate coordinator, addressed to the Graduate Committee, prior to attendance at the conference. The letter should include the conference name, date and location; the title of the paper being presented; and an itemized budget of projected travel expenses. Please take the time to look up expenses before writing your budget. The budget should accurately reflect actual costs.  Please also append your conference acceptance to your request. When the request is approved, a stipend will be paid through Student Accounting.   Within 2 weeks of returning from the conference, you must present proof of attendance, such as a boarding pass & conference program, to the graduate staff coordinator. If, for any reason, you do not attend the conference, you must notify the staff graduate coordinator & graduate adviser and return the stipend. The last date to process stipends is May 1st; therefore, any funding requests received after May 1st, will be processed for the next academic year.

All international travel - $3,000- every other year

Domestic travel outside of California - $2,000

Hawaii and Alaska (exception) - $3,000

Travel within California and conferences held virtually - $1000

Students may receive funding for a maximum of one conference award per academic year. Students are only eligible for an international travel award every other academic year.

Registered students attending the MLA conference in January and who have an interview are eligible for travel support as well. Please provide a copy of your interview invitation to the staff graduate coordinator to request funds.

Because these funds come out of our very limited fellowship allocation, the graduate program must be careful in its allocation of these resources. Fellowships typically do not cover the all conference-related expenses. If a student decides he or she is unable to cover additional expenses and wishes to cancel his/her conference participation, the student should notify the staff grad coordinator & graduate adviser immediately.

Students are encouraged to apply to other travel funding resources as well. Some of these are listed below. Watch for additional opportunities posted via the spanishgrads@ email list.

Graduate Studies Travel Awards

Graduate Studies Travel Awards are available to graduate students at or near the completion of their studies (ABDs) who have not previously received this award and who are presenting a research paper (acceptance of paper may be pending at time of application). Students must be in good academic standing and are required to hold and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0. Applicants must be registered graduate students. Students on PELP (Planned Educational Leave Program) are not eligible for this award. Students on Filing Fee status may apply. You may receive only one Graduate Studies travel award. Students should visit the Grad Studies website for award periods, application deadlines, and procedures.

Graduate Student Association (GSA) travel awards

GSA travel awards are available to GSA members at the time of the application deadline. Students are automatically GSA members if they are a regularly enrolled graduate student (e.g., not on filing fee), enrolled in the Graduate School of Management, or enrolled in the Teaching Credential program. Awards range from $50-$500 and are based on the relative ranking of applicants based on established selection guidelines. The number of awards will be based on the number of applicants and the merits of their applications. A minimum of 12 awards will be given in each period. Awards are distributed as reimbursements. Reimbursement is contingent upon submission of original receipts and a completed Travel Expense Report.

GSA Travel Awards are granted twice per year. Late applications will not be considered. Students should check the GSA website for award periods, deadlines, and selection guidelines.


Other opportunities

Watch your email for other funding opportunities related to travel and research from sources such as HIA, DHI, CWR, and more.

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