Position Title
Distinguished Professor of Spanish
The Russell F. and Jean H. Fiddyment Chair in Latin American Studies
Position Title
Distinguished Professor of Spanish
The Russell F. and Jean H. Fiddyment Chair in Latin American Studies
712A Sproul Hall
- Ph.D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Current Interest: Colonial and Modern Latin American Literature (Brazil and Spanish America)
- Epic Poetry
- Romanticism
- Naturalism
- Avant-Garde
- Literature and the Visual Arts
- Amazonian History and Literature
- Spanish 100: Principles of Hispanic Literature and Criticism
- Spanish 150N: Survey of Latin American Literature – 1500s to 1800s
- Spanish 151: Survey of Latin American Literature – 1900s to Present
- Spanish 153: Latin American Short Story
- Spanish 154: Modern Spanish American Novel
- Spanish 175: Literary Representations of Amazonia
- Spanish 274: Spanish and Portuguese Chronicles of the Indies
- Spanish 274: The Literary World of Jorge Luis Borges
- Spanish 274: Latin American Epic
- Spanish 274: The Regionalist Novel in Latin America
- Spanish 274: The Literary World of Jorge Luis Borges
- Spanish 274: The Regionalist Novel
- Spanish 275: Chronicles of the West Indies
- Spanish 274: Amazonia and the Jungle Novel
- Portuguese 100: Principles of Luso-Brazilian Literature and Criticism
- Portuguese 161: Brazilian Literature, Culture, and the Arts
- Portuguese 163: 20th C. Masters of Brazilian Literature
- Portuguese 162: Introduction to Brazilian Literature
- Comparative Literature 152: Literatures of the Americas
- Euclides da Cunha: Ensaios e Inéditos. Co-edited with Felipe Rissato. São Paulo: Editora da Unesp, 2018.
- Paraíso suspeito: a voragem amazônica (Suspect Paradise: The Amazonian Vortex). São Paulo: EDUSP, 2017.
- Literatura a ciencia cierta: homenaje a Cedomil Goic (Literature As It Should Be: Homage to Cedomil Goic). Vol. containing 21 essays. Newark / Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta, 2011; 414 p. Co-edited with Tamara R. Williams.
- Os sertões (Rebellion in the Backlands) by Euclides da Cunha. Annotated 4th edition. São Paulo: Ateliê Editorial, 2009.
- Euclides da Cunha: poesia reunida (Euclides da Cunha: Collected Poetry). São Paulo: Editora UNESP, 2009; 492 p. Co-edited with Francisco Foot Hardman.
- Discurso, ciência e controvérsia em Euclides da Cunha (Discourse, Science, and Controversy in Euclides da Cunha). Editor. Vol. containing 12 essays. São Paulo: EDUSP, 2008; 188 p.
- “O Brasil, a América hispânica e o Caribe: abordagens comparativas.” (Brazil, Spanish America, and the Caribbean: Comparative Approaches) Revista Iberoamericana 182-183 (January-June 1998).; 340p. Co-edited with Lúcia Helena Costigan.
- A imitação dos sentidos: prógonos, contemporâneos e epígonos de Euclides da Cunha (Imitation of Meanings: An Intertextual Study of Rebellion in the Backlands by Euclides da Cunha). São Paulo: EDUSP, 1995.
- Historia de un malentendido: un estudio transtextual de La guerra del fin del mundo de Mario Vargas Llosa (The History of a Misunderstanding: A Transtextual Study of M. Vargas Llosa’s The War of the End of the World). New York/Bern/Frankfurt am Main/Paris: Peter Lang, 1989.
- “Why is Roger Casement also Essential to Literary Fiction?”, 2016 Lectures, Munira H. Mutran & Laura P. Z. Izarra (eds.). W. B Yeats Chair of Irish Studies. São Paulo: Humanitas, 2016, p. 155-173.
- "History and Imagination in El sueño del celta by Mario Vargas Llosa." Breac – A Digital Journal of Irish Studies, 1 April 2016.
- "Dante e Borges: imagens especulares e figurações do eu." Revista USP, 48 (2002): 120-133.
- "Justiça poética na épica latino-americana moderna." Revista USP, 50 (2001): 238-246.
- "Unfulfilled Promises: Epic and Hagiography in Hernado Domínguez Camargo's Poema Heroico." Calíope, IV, 1-2 (1998): 270-282.
- “That Gentle Epic: Writing and Elegy in the Heroic Poetry of Cecília Meireles.” Modern Language Notes 112 (1997): 201-218.
- “Disfraces gongorinos en la poesía de Manuel Botelho de Oliveira,” Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos 570 (1997): 73-94.
- "O prazer da influência: John Gay, Bertolt Brecht Chico Buarque de Hollanda." Latin American Theatre Review (Spring 1994): 29-38.