Position Title
Professor of Luso-Brazilian Studies
Chair, Graduate Program in Spanish and Portuguese
Undergraduate Portuguese Advisor
Affiliated faculty, Comparative Literature and Critical Theory
Director, UC Iberian Studies Consortium
Robert Patrick Newcomb joined the UC Davis faculty in 2008, after completing his PhD in Luso-Brazilian Studies at Brown University. He teaches Luso-Brazilian and Hispanic/Latin American literatures, is undergraduate advisor for Portuguese, director of the UC Iberian Studies Consortium, and co-director of the UC Davis European Studies Initiative.
His research focuses on comparative literature - specifically, comparative approaches to Luso-Hispanic literatures, in both Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula, with emphasis placed on the late 19th/early 20th centuries, the essay, and literary relations between writers operating in the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking worlds. He is active in public debates on Iberian studies, and is a translator (Portuguese to English) of literary and critical texts.
His current book projects are Writing Out of Place: Dislocation and Transnational Lusophone Literature, and In the Shadow of the Rock: Writing Gibraltar into the World.
Ph.D., Luso-Brazilian Studies, Brown University
MA, Luso-Brazilian Studies, Brown University
BA, Luso-Brazilian Studies/International Relations, Brown University, cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa
- Comparative Luso-Hispanic studies
- Luso-Brazilian and Hispanic/Latin American literature and culture (primarily 19th-20th c.)
- Iberian studies and Iberianism
- Gibraltar and Gibraltarian literature
- The essay, theory, and criticism
- Poetry, poetics, and translation
- Theory and methodology of comparative literature
- Literature and philosophy
- Spanish 274: The Return of the Caravels: Post-Colonial Literatures of the Portuguese-speaking World
- Spanish 274: A World in Motion: Travelers, Migrants, and Exiles in Luso-Afro-Brazilian Literature
- Spanish 274: Zonas de contato: Lusophone Narratives of Encounter
- Spanish 274: Theories of Iberia and Latin America
- Spanish 274: Problems of Knowledge in Luso-Hispanic Literature
- Spanish 274: Luso-Hispanic Encounters
- Spanish 224: Introduction to Iberian Studies
- Spanish 272: Culture and Resistance in Luso-Brazilian Literature
- Portuguese 163: Modern and Contemporary Brazilian Literature
- Portuguese 162: Introduction to Brazilian Literature
- Portuguese 161: Luso-Brazilian Literature and Culture
- Portuguese 100: Principles of Luso-Brazilian Literature and Criticism
- Portuguese 31G: Portuguese for Spanish-speaking Graduate Students
- Spanish 159: Brazilian Literature in English Translation
- Spanish 157: Cross-Border Fictions
- Spanish 151: Transnational Latin American Literature
- Spanish 100: Principles of Hispanic Literature and Criticism
- Iberianism and Crisis: Spain and Portugal at the Turn of the Twentieth Century (Toronto, 2018)
- Nossa and Nuestra América: Inter-American Dialogues (Purdue, 2011)
- Newcomb, Robert Patrick, ed. "In the Shadow of the Rock: The Literature of Gibraltar." International Journal of Iberian Studies (forthcoming).
- Transatlantic Studies: Latin America, Iberia, and Africa (co-edited w/ Cecilia Enjuto Rangel, Sebastiaan Faber, and Pedro García-Caro, Liverpool, 2019)
- Fernandes, Ângela, Santiago Pérez Isasi, and Robert Patrick Newcomb, eds. "‘Iberian Studies: New Spaces of Inquiry". International Journal of Iberian Studies 32 (2019)
- Beyond Tordesillas: New Approaches to Critical Essays in Comparative Luso-Hispanic Studies (co-edited w/ Richard A. Gordon; Ohio State, 2017)
- "In the Shadow of the Rock: The Literature of Gibraltar," International Journal of Iberian Studies (forthcoming).
- "La Lira lusitana de Manuel Curros Enríquez: un caso de traducción triangular." Versiones, inversiones. La traducción de poesía entre las literaturas ibéricas modernas y contemporáneas. Ed. Miguel Mochila, Trea, 2024.
- "Miguel de Unamuno and the Redemption of Antero de Quental," Revista Hispánica Moderna, Volume 77, Number 1, June 2024
- "João do Rio em Portugal: Moedas falsificadas e desleixo luso-brasileiro," João do Rio plural: Centenário de um acervo luso-brasileiro. Ed. Orna Messer Levin and Gilda Santos; 7 Letras; Real Gabinete Português de Leitura, 2022
- "The Double Face of Translation in Joan Maragall," Iberian and Translation Studies: Literary Contact Zones. Ed. Esther Gimeno Ugalde, Marta Pacheco Pinto, and Ângela Fernandes; Liverpool University Press, 2021
- "A Secondary Ghost: Gibraltar in La vida perra de Juanita Narboni, by Ángel Vázquez," TRANSMODERNITY: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World, Volume 9, Issue 6, 2021
- “Figurations of the Negra in Gonçalves Crespo and Caetano da Costa Alegre,” Luso-Brazilian Review 56.2 (2019)
- “Iberianism’s Lessons for Iberian Studies,” Catalonia, Iberia and Europe. Ed. David Duarte and Giangiacomo Vale; Aracne editrice, 2019
- “Across the Waves”: The Luso-Brazilian Republic of Letters at the Fin de Siècle,” Transatlantic Studies: Latin America, Iberia, and Africa. Ed. Cecilia Enjuto Rangel, Pedro García-Caro, Sebastiaan Faber, and Robert Patrick Newcomb; Liverpool University Press, 2019
- "An Interview with Cristina Martins." TRANSMODERNITY: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2024. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/93x7w73n
- Conceição Lima. No Gods Live Here (trans. David Shook), Portuguese Studies, 40(2), 2024
- Christian Claesson (ed.). España comparada: literatura, lengua y política en la cultura contemporánea, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, published 7 May 2024. DOI: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14636204.2024.2347729
- Rodrigo Lopes de Barros, Distortion and Subversion: Punk Rock Music and the Protests for Free Public Transportation in Brazil (1996-2011), Journal of Lusophone Studies, 8.2 (2024)
- Thayse Lima, Latino-americanizando o Brasil: a crítica literária e o diálogo transnacional, Brasil/Brazil, Vol. 35, No. 68, 2022
- M.G. Sanchez, Gooseman, Hispania, Volume 104, January 2021, Number 4
- Patrícia Lino, O Kit de Sobrevivência do Descobridor Português no Mundo Anticolonial, Journal of Lusophone Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1 (2021)
- Mary L. Coffey and Margot Versteeg (eds.). Imagined Truths: Realism in Modern Spanish Literature and Culture, University of Toronto Quarterly, vol. 90, no. 3, 2021
- Gustavo San Román, A Companion to José Enrique Rodó, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, Vol. 98, Issue 5 (2021)
- M.G. Sanchez, Border Control and other Autobiographical Pieces, International Journal of Iberian Studies 33.1 (2020)
- "Entrevista a Trino Cruz." TRANSMODERNITY: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World, Fall 2019
- “Forward.” Anthology of Contemporary Gibraltar Poets. Ed. Felix Alvarez et al. Gibraltar: Independent Writers and Artists Project, 2019
- Alfredo Bosi. "An Ideological Knot - On Interlaced Perspectives in Machado de Assis, Santa Barbara Portuguese Studies 2nd Ser., Vol. 11, "Alfredo Bosi," 2025. https://sbps.spanport.ucsb.edu/sites/default/files/sitefiles/volume/Vol_11/Ideological%20Knot.pdf
- Alfredo Bosi. "The Parábola of the Latin American Avant-Gardes." Beyond Tordesillas: New Approaches to Comparative Luso-Hispanic Studies. Ed. Robert Patrick Newcomb and Richard A. Gordon, Ohio State, 2017. 137-48.
- _____. Brazil and the Dialectic of Colonization (University of Illinois Press, 2015)
- _____. Colony, Cult and Culture (UMass Dartmouth, 2008)
- Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis. "Six Crônicas on Slavery and Abolition," Portuguese Studies 33.1 (2017): 105-22.
- _____. "Reflections on Brazilian Literature at the Present Moment: The National Instinct," Brasil/Brazil vol. 26, no. 47/2013: 85-101.
- _____. "The New Generation," Journal of Lusophone Studies 1.2 (Autumn 2016): 262-308.
- Cláudia Castelo. "The Luso-Tropicalist Message of the Late Portuguese Empire." Media and the Portuguese Empire. Ed. José Luís García et al. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017. 217-34.
Joukowsky Outstanding Dissertation Award (Humanities), Brown University, 2008