Serena A Peregrina-Williams


Position Title

618 Sproul Hall
Office Hours


Menard-Warwick, J., Peregrina-Williams, S. A., Deeb-Sossa, N., Uliasz, A., & Snow, K. (2023). "Toward language justice: systemic dilemmas in the implementation of interpreting services in a California school district." Critical Inquiry in Language Studies

Williams, S. A. P., & Viera, C. (2020). "Corpus analysis of engagement discourse strategies in academic presentations." Research in Corpus Linguistics, 8(1), 105-130

Williams, S. A. P., & Dhillon, S. (2019). "Women’s obstetric and reproductive health care discourse in online forums: Perceived access and quality pre- and post-Affordable Care Act." Preventive Medicine, 124, 50-54

Williams, S. A. P. (2015). "(Dis)citizenship constructed in same-sex wedding narratives." Language and Communication, 43, 102-110

Williams, S., Menard-Warwick, J. (2014). "Qualitative Research Interviews in Second Language Acquisition." In Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell

Williams, S., Menard-Warwick, J., Mori, M. (2014). "Language and Gender in Educational Contexts." In Handbook of Language and Gender (2nd ed.). Wiley-Blackwell

Education and Degree(s)
  • Ph.D. UC Davis 2015
  • Elementary Spanish I and II (University of California Davis)
  • Linguistic Anthropology (California State University Sacramento)
  • Language, Culture, and Critical Thinking (California State University Sacramento)
  • Language and Culture (California State University Sacramento)
  • Spanish for Bilingual Educators (University of California Davis)
Research Interests & Expertise
  • Multilingualism
  • Critical approaches to higher education pedagogy
  • Discourse analysis
  • Raciolinguistics
  • Language and identity
  • Linguistic diversity
  • Language rights and access
  • Language and power
  • Language policy
  • Corpus linguistics
  • Language attitudes