Spanish & Portuguese Course Descriptions - Winter 2022

Spanish Language Courses

SPA 1-3: Elementary Spanish
SPA 21-22: Intermediate Spanish
SPA 23-24: Spanish Composition
SPA 31-32: Spanish for Native Speakers

Spanish Undergraduate Courses

SPA 100 Principles Literature Criticism 

  • Sec 001 CRN 41711
  • Sec 002 CRN 45206

SPA 111N Sounds & Words CRN 41712

SPA 113 Spanish Pronunciation CRN 41713

SPA 131N Spanish Literature 1700 to Present CRN 41714

SPA 134B Don Quijote II CRN 44274

SPA 142 Special Topics: Spanish Culture/Literature CRN 44277

Instructor Nicholas Jones

"Black Iberia" Course: 

This course examines the variety of artistic, cultural, historical, and literary representations of black Africans and their descendants—both enslaved and free—across the Ibero-Atlantic world and the United States. Taking a chronological frame, the course will begin its study of Blackness in medieval and early modern Iberia and its colonial kingdoms in the Americas. From there, we will continue our trajectory and examination of the status of Blackness conceptually and ideologically in the Caribbean, Mexico, and South America. Toward the end of the term, we will concentrate on black Africans by focusing on Equatorial Guinea, sub-Saharan African immigration in present-day Spain, and the politics of Afro-Latinx culture and its identity politics in the United States. Throughout the quarter, we will interrogate the following topics in order to guide our class discussions and readings: bondage and slavery; freedom and emancipation; Critical Race Studies and racial-ethnic difference; animal imageries and human-animal studies; geography and maps; Black Feminism and Black Queer Studies; material and visual cultures (e.g. beauty ads; clothing; cosmetics; food; Blackface performance; royal portraiture; reality TV and music videos); the Inquisition and African diasporic religions; immigration and post-colonial Studies.

SPA 151 Latin American Literature 1900 Present CRN 41718

SPA 157 Latin American Great Works CRN 44278

SPA 168 Introduction to Latinx Culture CRN 41719

SPA 170 Introduction Latin American Culture CRN 41721

SPA 171 Music From Latin America

  • A01 CRN 44662
  • A02 CRN 44663

SPA 175 | Cine documental: Memoria e Historia de América Latina (CRN 44279)

Instructora Georgina Oller Bosch

La pandemia ha acelerado la documanía. Tener un documental de Netflix se ha convertido en una exigencia para cualquier celebridad, ya sean cantantes, atletas, actores, chefs, escritores o políticos. Esta documanía en tiempos de incerteza tiene sus raíces en la asunción de que los documentales describen la realidad de manera objetiva con el fin de decir la verdad. Sin embargo, ¿la versión de la realidad que presenta un documental es siempre tan exacta como parece? ¿El documental si es subjetivo, no es verdaderamente un documental? ¿Los documentales televisivos y los cinematográficos son el mismo tipo de medio de representación, o no?    

Este curso no se centrará en el estudio de documentales de celebridades. En cambio en él, sí se trabajará de cerca documentales realizados a partir de la década de los 70 por algunos de los cineastas más prestigiosos de Chile. Esta clase es perfecta para estudiantes interesados en el documental y en su relación con la realidad, la memoria y la Historia. Los participantes no necesitan saber nada sobre Chile para poder registrarse, pero sí deben estar preparados para ver, analizar y debatir documentales que capturan parte del pasado y del presente del país, films que en última instancia también suelen revelar el papel político de Estados Unidos en los eventos proyectados en pantalla.

SPA 176 Literature in Spanish in the US CRN 44280

Spanish Graduate Courses

SPA 257 Spanish Lit: Drama CRN 44282

Instructors Nicholas Jones


"Early Modern Spanish Drama" Seminar:

This graduate seminar will focus on the representation of race, gender, sexuality, and power in early modern Spanish drama. Taking a chronological frame, we will cover these themes beginning with medieval Iberian pageantry and ending with the works of Pedro Calderón de la Barca and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. To guide and nuance our class discussions and readings, we will interrogate the staging and performance of race, gender, and sexuality along the lines of: courtly and civic coronations, pageantry, and tournaments; the Renaissance underworld of La Celestina; the short-skit interludes of Lope de Rueda; Lope de Vega and the comedia nueva; African dances and blackface performance; cross-dressing and gender dissidence in Tirso de Molina and Sor Juana; queer readings of Agustín Moreto’s El lindo Don Diego; celebrity and the stardom of actors; clothing, cosmetics, and stage props; and, architecture, urban space and cities. 

SPA 279 Mexican Narrative CRN 44281

Portuguese Undergraduate Courses

POR 002 (5 units) / CRN 40028

Instructor Eugênia Fernandes

This course is taught in person. Class time is used to build social interactions through the Portuguese language. Outside of the class, students are required to complete homework assignments, readings, and complete parts of the projects. POR 002 is the second course of the Elementary Portuguese series, an introduction to the Portuguese language focusing on the development of all language skills in a cultural context with particular emphasis on communication. Unit topics will be presented contemplating contemporary issues of Lusophone communities with underlying topics such as official orthography and language varieties. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to communicate in oral and written Portuguese at the beginner level.

Important: This course has an organic format; thus, the syllabus can be modified according to the students’ demands. 

Prerequisites: POR 001 or instructor consent

POR 022 Intermediate Portuguese CRN 40029

Instructor Eugênia Fernandes

This course is an in-person course. Class time is used to build social interactions through the Portuguese language. Outside of the class, students are required to complete homework assignments, readings, and complete parts of the projects. POR 022 is a continuation of POR 021, the second course of the intermediate Portuguese series, consisting of the development and improvement of all language skills in Portuguese with an emphasis on interaction and problem-solving in the Lusophone world. Students will be led to the use of language by reading literary and authentic genres, based on contemporary discussions to reach an intermediate-mid proficiency in the target language. Unit topics will be presented contemplating contemporary issues of Lusophone communities with underlying topics such as official orthography and language varieties. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to communicate in oral and written Portuguese at the intermediate-mid level and enroll in POR 23.
Prerequisites: POR 021 or instructor's consent.
Important: This course has an organic format; thus, the syllabus can be modified according to the students’ demands.

POR 162 Introduction to Brazil Literature CRN 40031