The Department of Spanish & Portuguese is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and is closed during the lunch hour (12:00 – 1:00 p.m.). Do not prop doors open to Sproul Hall after hours or on weekends. Also, make sure that the copy/mail room is closed and locked after hours.
Copies/Fax/Scan machines: If you need copies for your class, a copier is available in 614 Sproul. This copier is solely for instructional purposes. Each TA will be given a maximum number of pages for the quarter. Please do not attempt to clear paper jams. Ask STAFF for help. Report any irregularities with the copier as soon as possible.
Keys: Keys are available from Maria in Sproul 210.
Office Policy:
Office space is provided to support teaching.
Within one week of your final grades being submitted, you are required to have all personal items removed from your offices. This includes student work. Desks, bookcases and walls must be completely cleared. TA resources (workbooks, manuals, etc.) should be returned to your supervisor.
If another department during any given quarter employs you, you must vacate your office. Office space will be provided for that quarter by your hiring department. If you are not teaching or doing faculty research during a given quarter (because of PELP, filing fee, fellowship, etc.) you will only be provided office space if you have made a request to the department chair and if space is available.
You are welcome to bring in posters to add some life to your office space. If you decorate your office, please use pushpins or thumbtacks ONLY. Nails, wall anchors, hooks, double-sided tape, and anything of that nature that may damage the walls is strictly prohibited. All wall hangings must be removed when you vacate your office or they will be discarded. All thumbtacks and pushpins must be removed from the walls.
Sofas, recliners, or any outside furniture into the offices is prohibited.
Please realize that desks are accessible to your fellow TAs and therefore you should not leave personal/valuable items in the desks.
Please post your office hours on the bulletin board outside of your door and submit your office hours as requested by email no later than the middle of the first week of classes.
Mail: Campus mail is for business purposes only. The mail is metered so do not send out anything with stamps on it. Intercampus mail is also for business purposes only. Please do not send personal correspondence through campus mail or use your campus address to receive campus mail. Each quarter you are teaching, you will have a mailbox in 222 Sproul. Please check your mailbox regularly.
Staff: The office staff is here to support the teaching and research missions of the department but our staff is limited. Therefore, we do not under any circumstances provide the following services:
- Date stamping and/or collecting class assignments or exams
- Posting or informing individual students of course grades
- Proctoring make-up exams
Evals: You may review your teaching evaluations each quarter (see Maria in Sproul 210) however, you may request copies for interview purposes only.
Teaching Supplies: The department provides supplies for your use as a TA which include:
- Grade Book (if you want a hard copy to use in addition to smartsite)
- 1 pack 3x5 index cards each quarter for attendance
- Pens and pencils
- 1 each, tape dispenser, scissors, stapler, etc., for each office
Please see the STAFF if you need any of these items.
Absences: If you are going to be absent from the class that you teach, please call your TA SUPERVISOR and have a substitute teach your class. Your TA Supervisor must approve all absences and substitutes.
Student Issues: If a student in your class has a problem, do not send that person to the main office. Send that person to your TA Supervisor.
If you give your students a deadline that falls outside of class time, please have your students turn in the work to your mailbox and make the deadline at least one-half hour prior to the lunch hour or closing time. Ask students not to slide work under any doors.
PTA (Permission to Add) numbers are not given out to students. Do not over-enroll your classes. If you have a student that needs a PTA, you must email the undergraduate advisor.
Classroom assignments have already been made and are permanent.
Dept. Library: You are welcome to use the department library. Materials are not to be removed from the library unless they have been checked out using the index cards. When returning items to the library, please be sure to reshelf them neatly and in the appropriate order.
Paychecks: Employment paychecks are issued on the first day of the month. If you do not receive direct deposit, it will be mailed to your address in UC Path. Fellowship & loan checks must be picked up from Student Accounting in Dutton Hall (if you have not signed up for direct deposit).
Healthcare: Your TAship provides health insurance through the Student Health Center unless you requested a waiver. See for details.