Position Title
Professor of Spanish
Chair, Designated Emphasis in Second Language Acquisition
Professor Bradley's primary research interests include phonological theory, Judeo-Spanish linguistics, phonetic and phonological variation in Ibero-Romance and other languages, and historical Romance phonology. Other interests include applied linguistics and technology-enhanced language learning. Professor Bradley has published in Probus, Lingua, Estudios de fonética experimental, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, Southwest Journal of Linguistics, Lingua(gem), and the Journal of Educational Computing Research. He has contributed chapters to various books, including Fonética y fonología descriptivas de la lengua española, Optimality-Theoretic Studies in Spanish Phonology, Historical Romance Linguistics: Retrospective and Perspectives, Laboratory Approaches to Spanish Phonology, Experimental and Theoretical Approaches to Romance Linguistics, and Romance Linguistics 2007, Romance Linguistics 2010, Romance Linguistics 2012, among others. Along with Rafael Núñez Cedeño and Sonia Colina, he co-edited Fonología generativa contemporánea de la lengua española [2a edición] (Georgetown University Press, 2014).
In collaboration with Prof. Robert Blake and former UC Davis graduate student Gabriel Guillén, Prof. Bradley developed a hybrid course to facilitate the delivery of intermediate Spanish courses Spanish 021 and 022 through a combination of interactive online technologies and conventional face-to-face class meetings. Funding was granted by a 2012-2013 Provost Hybrid Course Award (PHCA) and received through the UC Davis Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Amount: $12,500.
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Prof. Bradley is currently working on a research monograph, under contract with John Benjamins, that examines Judeo-Spanish phonology from the contemporary linguistic framework of Optimality Theory and incorporates phonetically-based insights from recent laboratory phonology work on other languages. He is also scheduled to contribute a chapter on "Spanish phonology and the phonetics-phonology interface" to Routledge's forthcoming Handbook of Spanish Phonology, edited by Fernando Martínez-Gil and Sonia Colina, and a chapter on Judeo-Spanish to De Gruyter's Manual of Romance Linguistics: Phonetics and Phonology, edited by Christoph Gabriel, Trudel Meisenburg, and Randall Gess.
- Ph.D., 2001, Spanish Linguistics, Pennsylvania State University
- M.A., 1997, Spanish Linguistics, Pennsylvania State University
- B.A., 1994, French and Spanish, University of North Carolina, Asheville
- Phonological theory
- Judeo-Spanish linguistics
- Phonetic and phonological variation in Ibero-Romance and other languages
- Historical Romance phonology
- Applied Linguistics and technology-enhanced language learning
Since joining UC Davis in 2001, Prof. Bradley has taught undergraduate courses and graduate seminars in Spanish and Linguistics, covering topics relating to phonology, phonetics, foreign language learning, and technology in foreign language education. He also supervises the second course of the Spanish program's intermediate level (Spanish 022), which involves selection of pedagogical materials, syllabus and curriculum design, TA training and classroom visitation.
- French/German/Spanish 291: Foreign Language Learning in the Classroom
- Linguistics 111: Introduction to Phonological Theory
- Spanish 111N: The Structure of Spanish: Sounds and Words
- Spanish 113: Spanish Pronunciation
- Spanish 118: Topics in Spanish Linguistics: Diachronic and Synchronic Variation in Spanish
- Spanish 205: Spanish Phonology
- Spanish 215: Contemporary Issues in Spanish Phonology
- Spanish 215: Technology in Foreign/Second Language Education
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